Real Estate Marketing Tips

Real Estate Marketing Efforts You Should Always Follow

If you’re trying to sell a home, there are some time-tested real estate marketing efforts that you should always pay attention to and follow. These tactics are far more likely to help your home sell more quickly – and at the price you want. Below, you’ll learn more about those marketing tactics and strategies and how they can help you get your home sold.

Taking an Aggressive Stance

There are two types of real estate agents – those who put up a listing and wait for things to happen, and those who put up a listing and make things happen. It’s vital that you find the second kind of agent if you want a quick, painless, high-dollar sale. The goal here is being proactive with your listing, reaching out to the right potential buyers, and ensuring your home doesn’t sit on the market for weeks before selling at a much lower price than you’d hoped.

Using Digital Marketing

In today’s digital day and age, people rely on their smartphones for just about everything, and buying a home is no exception. In fact, up to 80% of potential buyers will use their smartphones to shop for houses before they ever contact a real estate agent at all. You should find a real estate agent or agency that works hard to create mobile marketing strategies that work for your target buyers. Things like photography and captions will go a long way toward getting attention from people whether they are on their computers or their phones.

Staging Beautifully

Staging is a vitally important part of selling a home. There are numerous things that must happen in order to stage a home properly, so it’s vital that you find an agent who is willing to dive in and make it happen. The entire goal of staging involves helping potential buyers see themselves living in your home, and that often means rearranging, purging, cleaning, and even removing personal effects from view. Things like open houses should take place in staged homes to help solidify these views, too.

Outstanding Photography

Anyone can walk into a house and take a few pictures to put up online or in newspapers, but low-quality photos get low-quality results. Hire an agent who takes photography seriously; he or she should hire a professional photographer to snap images for you or have his or her own professional equipment for getting the perfect shots. Starting with a great photo and then using the right editing tools can make all the difference, especially as part of a digital marketing campaign.

Relocation Mentorship

Relocating is hard, so if your audience is made of people who would be relocating after buying your home, pick an agent who can help those people make the transition a smoother one. He or she should know all about school districts, entertainment, workplaces, crime rates, public transportation, restaurants, shopping, and any manner of things that would appeal to someone moving to a new area.

These five real estate marketing efforts are important for buyers and sellers alike. With them, it’s possible to sell a home more quickly – and for more money – and to help people who are relocating find the perfect house at the right price for their budgets.