Turn Your Chevy Chase Home into a Resort With 6 Simple Steps

Chevy Chase homeAre you craving a vacation but don’t have any time in your schedule to get away for a few days? No worries – you can easily give your Chevy Chase home that resort feel with just a few changes.

After all, we all deserve a place where we can relax and unwind and really enjoy ourselves after a stressful day.

How to Make Your DC Area Home Feel More Like a Vacation Spot

First, upgrade your linens. I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite aspects of staying at spas or hotel retreats is that they always have the nicest linen and bathroom towels. It’s fabulous! Give your home that spa-feel by upgrading your own towels and linens. You’ll be amazed what a difference it will make.

Designate a relaxation zone in your home. Perhaps this is a reading nook lined with pillows all along the wall. Perhaps it’s a garden patio with gorgeous flowers surrounding you. Make it your own. Setting aside this space for relaxation will encourage you to relax more.

Allow more light in your home. Light can do a lot for a person’s general wellbeing and mental health. See how it positively impacts you by considering investing in larger windows or adding a skylight. If you can’t afford that, you might consider using light-colored paint or furniture in some of your rooms.

Clean and declutter your home. I know that when my home is filled with clutter, I can easily feel stressed out. So remove that clutter from your house and your mind might not feel so cluttered as well. You might even want to make it a family tradition: cleaning your home together once a month to help keep it in top shape.

Make sure your home’s entranceway sets the right tone. When you walk through the door, it’s going to set the tone for your general mood. So make sure it counts! Remove any clutter from the entranceway like jackets and shoes and put them out of site. Consider adding art on the wall or a mirror to create ambiance and make your entranceway feel more roomy and inviting.

Make your bedroom a luxury destination. Consider adding more pillows or extra cozy comforters. Maybe put a lovely vase of fresh flowers in your bedroom. Every detail counts toward making your bedroom feel like a calm and relaxing place.

How Can We Help You with Your Next Chevy Chase Real Estate Transaction?

Hopefully you found the above information helpful as a current home owner in Chevy Chase. Please check out our Chevy Chase blog for more tips on maximizing your living space.

And if you’re interested in listing your home anytime soon on the market, please make sure to contact us at The Estridge Group. We have years of experience helping home sellers just like you and we would be happy to assist you!

Until next time,
